Tiger'S Path

Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 11:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 20:00
Friday: 11:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 11:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -

About Tiger'S Path

Self improvement in mind, body and spirit through the practice of martial arts and acupuncture. Get fit, control pain, and stay healthy.

Tiger'S Path Description

Teaching martial arts since 1994 and practicing acupuncture since 2004.



Cute video explaining acupuncture in simple terms.


http://www.healthcmi.com/…/1877-acupunc ture-carpal-tunnel-s…


Chinese herbs go deep.
Chinese herbal medicine has a long and rich tradition. It also has been continually updated and vetted over centuries. In fact, a study of the history of Chinese medicine shows many refinements, culling of ideas that proved to be of little use, and adding to the body of knowledge as doctors learned more.
When choosing Chinese medicine, acupuncture can be a great starting point. For many conditions, it is the end point. For others, adding or even comple...tely replacing acupuncture with herbs is possible.
Some of the advantages of herbs are: 1. Ease of use. Take the capsules or brew the tea and you're good. 2. Travel friendly. As much as I'd love to come with you on your travels, that's not an option :) . 3. Adjustable dosage. We can adjust dosage as things change. 4. Cost effective. I describe herbs as your daily acupuncture. While it would be nice, the cost in time and money can be prohibitive for some patients to come for acupuncture frequently, especially for a chronic condition which may require many months of treatment.
Acupuncture is awesome. I love it. But it is not always the best tool for the situation. Chinese herbal medicine has a long, rich history. At Tiger's Path, we only use practitioner grade herbs from reputable companies to ensure quality and safety. We have many formulas on hand for more common conditions. Custom formulas are also available. If you have any questions, give me a call.
All the best,
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A great talk about how martial arts affects our whole life.


Where do the needles go?
One of the misconceptions about acupuncture is that you are going to get poked where it hurts. Sometimes this can seem scary. I can't say the idea of a needle jammed into my sore knee sounds pleasant. The other reaction is disbelief that NOT putting a needle where it hurts is the answer. How does that needle in my ankle area help with my neck pain?
The answer is that acupuncture produces systemic results. This means by stimulating specific points, th...e body responds with a cascade of chemical and neurological responses which actually can affect the whole body. If you take a medication, it is absorbed in the gut and moves throughout the body through the circulatory system. Eventually it makes it to the appropriate receptors in the appropriate area of the body. You don't rub Tylenol on your forehead to relieve an headache. This is also why acupuncture can affect many conditions in one person at the same time.
Oh, and I'm a big wimp. I do a gentle needling style which I perfected over the years because I needle myself too :)
Give me a call and let's get you feeling better.
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What is your pain preventing you from doing?
Pain and discomfort is something we can become accustomed to. We deal with it because we can, and because sometimes, we have to. For this reason, it can be hard to define what it is you are looking for in care. With a well rounded approach to health care, we look to help improve quality of life, not just symptoms.
Come in for a chat and let's figure it out. ... 403-869-9789 www.tigerspathwellness.com/contact
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Boring makes progress.Boring builds the body. Boring sharpens the mind. Boring builds character.
- Routine establishes patterns - Establish routines to build the patterns to create the results that you desire. - This includes sleep, diet, exercise, recreation time, family time, and work flow.... - Secretly we all crave patterns. The problem is that we think that routine stops us from being able to be creative and spontaneous. The reality is that plans relieve us from having to make mundane decisions over and over again. With our mind free of those little decisions, we can focus on the more important decisions. We can also make a more intelligent decision about whether to break routine and if it's worth it. The other reality is that having no planning results in going for the easiest choice and not making progress in most situations.
Be spontaneous in the moment, but be boring in your long game and I believe you'll have more desirable results.
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End of the day and feeling great!


The "Tune Up"
People hear me talk about patients coming in for a "tune up". They nod and we carry on with our conversation. Every once in awhile, someone will ask, "what's a tune up? Isn't acupuncture something where you just fix a problem and move on?". Sometimes, yes. Sometimes a person comes in with a very specific problem and we do a short series of treatments and they are all better and move on with their life.
But often, patients come in with a specific condition, hear...ing that acupuncture may be able to help. After a series of treatments, they begin to notice other things resolving and feeling better. This overall health affect has deep roots, and is part of the reason for the effectiveness in treating even acute conditions. By putting the body into a state of balance by regulating our body chemistry by stimulating the body in specific ways, it is able to better take care of itself and heal.
Herein lies the power of the "tune up". By having regular treatments, (I generally recommend once per month) you give your system a "reset" and allow it to sort out what's-what and get back to an healthy homeostasis, or state of balance.
It's not an usual idea. Exercise is much more useful for health as a daily activity than a weekend warrior blast (which usually results in 3-4 days of recovery). Consistency is key in most things in life. Including acupuncture.
All the best,
PS: If you haven't been around in awhile, book your tune up 🤣
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Ok, this commercial is hilarious! Xiao Yao San is amazing though. 😎


We've been testing some foot soaks in house the last while. Great results so far, so keep your eyes open for some great home care! (We may still do some in house...)😊 Let me know if you've used this type of treatment before, or have any questions.


Tiger's Path is a study of the human form. Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Hapkido are the tools I use to express this. There are many innovations and tools which can always be added, but these are my fundamentals, and the methods I use to help myself and others become the best them they can be. Always be prepared to learn and adapt, but you need a base to work from; a foundation. From there, be open minded enough to continue to improve.


An interesting look at pain, and how our body processes it.


The tongue is an important diagnostic tool in Chinese medicine. Check it out!


Next week is filling up. Let me know if you would like to get in or need herbs to carry through until the next week!


Reminder: studio will be closed July 26-29. If you need in before then, give me a call and we'll get you sorted!


Yeah, I know, I'm reviewing my own place. But it's my second home, and I love it! It's the place I can go and sweat on the mats, improve myself and leave my worries behind. It's the place that I go to help people in need of relief. It's a place where I meet interesting people from all walks of life on an even platform. For me, it is great.


I've seen Thory for years and have consistently benefitted from his modern approach to ancient healing arts.


I went to Thory for almost 2 years and he removed the pain from my knee. He understands how the body works and he will never mislead you. He is very upfront and honest and will let you know if the treatment will help or not.


I saw Thory for years and he helped both my wife and I with various problems. He was always very professional and friendly. I would definitely recommend him for anyone needing acupuncture or TCM.


Yeah, I know, I'm reviewing my own place. But it's my second home, and I love it! It's the place I can go and sweat on the mats, improve myself and leave my worries behind. It's the place that I go to help people in need of relief. It's a place where I meet interesting people from all walks of life on an even platform. For me, it is great.


I've seen Thory for years and have consistently benefitted from his modern approach to ancient healing arts.


I went to Thory for almost 2 years and he removed the pain from my knee. He understands how the body works and he will never mislead you. He is very upfront and honest and will let you know if the treatment will help or not.


I saw Thory for years and he helped both my wife and I with various problems. He was always very professional and friendly. I would definitely recommend him for anyone needing acupuncture or TCM.


Yeah, I know, I'm reviewing my own place. But it's my second home, and I love it! It's the place I can go and sweat on the mats, improve myself and leave my worries behind. It's the place that I go to help people in need of relief. It's a place where I meet interesting people from all walks of life on an even platform. For me, it is great.


I've seen Thory for years and have consistently benefitted from his modern approach to ancient healing arts.


I went to Thory for almost 2 years and he removed the pain from my knee. He understands how the body works and he will never mislead you. He is very upfront and honest and will let you know if the treatment will help or not.


I saw Thory for years and he helped both my wife and I with various problems. He was always very professional and friendly. I would definitely recommend him for anyone needing acupuncture or TCM.

More about Tiger'S Path

Tiger'S Path is located at 1709 8 Ave NE, Calgary, Alberta T2E 0S9
Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 11:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 20:00
Friday: 11:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 11:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -