True Roots Wellness

About True Roots Wellness

Caitlin Poole, C. H. N. C.
Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant

True Roots Wellness Description

Hi, I’m Caitlin! I am a PMS Expert and the Owner of True Roots Wellness. As a wellness consultant I help corporate women to have easier periods, more energy, and stable moods. But what I love most is to help them improve their cycles overall so that they can reclaim control of their body and their life.

In 2012 I began experiencing the painful symptoms of Endometriosis. This brought my life to a screeching halt. I was dealing with chronic pain and fatigue so severe that there were days I physically couldn't get out of bed. It was a long journey that brought me back to life. At first, I tried everything the doctor told me to. I took countless prescriptions and nothing worked. Eventually I realized I needed to take charge of my own health journey.

Long story short, in 2015 I became a Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant. By 2016 I was able to start exercising again. By 2017 I was off all the prescription medications and was able to go hiking again. It finally felt like I had control of my own body and life again.

Now it is my mission to help other women through the same journey. If you are often stuck in bed with period cramps and exhaustion, I want to help you get those days back!

I work closely with clients to get down to the root of the imbalances that lead to PMS and work to naturally improve their overall wellness. I believe in a multi-faceted approach and would be happy to work with your team of health professionals.

More about True Roots Wellness
