Twyla Clarke

About Twyla Clarke

Helping women who struggle with feelings of isolation and abandonment.

Twyla Clarke Description

Twyla is a Certified Holistic Life Coach, Spiritual Guide, Certified Reiki Master, and Angelic Therapy Healer. She intuitively sees the root of peopleŌĆÖs issues and offers guidance to heal those emotional wounds. She coaches clients through the blocks that have been holding them back from living the life they desire so they can feel empowered for success. Twyla is vastly experienced and she incorporates all of her abilities to promote healing in all areas; cleansing auras, chakras and clearing blockages in the body before it manifests into disease. Too many women get caught up in their past story and allow it to define them. They allow themselves to become stuck, hardened by circumstances and left with nowhere to turn. Twyla is so passionate in her desire to support and empower women to Rediscover Themselves so they may also lead a life filled with more. A fulfilled and joyful life.



Attention Calgary Ladies:
The #RelationshipGoals Workshop is happening on September 22nd.
This will be a powerful workshop on creating and having fulfilling relationships.
... This workshop will be for women only. It's a safe space for women to be able to dig deep and discover what they desire to have in a relationship and what is stopping them from having it.
We will be discussing: *Trust *Insecurity *Communication *Support and of course *Past relationships to name a few.
This will be a process of self-discovery helping you to understand what it is that you truly desire, not what you should desire.
You will also go home with a workbook to complete on your own time after the workshop to help you deep dive further into the topics discussed.
This is for you whether your single, married or in a relationship.
#pawntoqueen #projectloveyourself #embodyher #unapologeticallyyou #workshop #calgary #yyc #calgaryevents #yycevents #yycwomen #women #lifecoach #selflove #relationships #womenonly #singleladies
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It's not about what society thinks is acceptable it's about what you think is acceptable.
Being you is not about becoming more malleable, palatable or acceptable.
It's about disrupting the fuck out of your current state of conformity and getting back to the person who was told she was too much to handle.


You are and have always been enough.
There hasn't been one time where you weren't enough. You just didn't feel enough because you were allowing others to define what enough meant for you.
By who's standards are you measuring yourself?
... #pawntoqueen #projectloveyourself #embodyher #unapologeticallyyou #unapologetic #youareenough #iamenough #enough #affirmations #lifecoach #knowyourworth #selfloveisthebestlove #selflove #womensempowerment #womenpoweringwomen #confidence #selfworth
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What it means to be unapologetic and why I won't stop using that word even though it's a buzzword!


The ability to love yourself isn't fairy dust and unicorn farts. It's digging deep into the deepest parts of your soul.


Mary and I talking about Project Love Yourself.
We kick off September 11th and are going straight for 12 weeks.
If you'd like to be 1 of only 5 ladies being accepted into this program pm me!


You are the woman everyone admires.
The woman with the perfect life, perfect career, perfect house, perfect everything.
The woman who SHOULD be happy. But inside you feel...
... Broken.
You know that you should be happy, afterall everyone tells you enough, but you can't.
You try so hard. Put on a brave face, smile, nod, fake it. Try to be the happy woman.
But it fails you, you can fool everyone but yourself.
And all the Google searches, Ted Talks, happiness quizzes in the world and stupid YouTube videos of cats doesn't seem to change anything.
You're still lost. Still feeling broken. Still needing to be fixed. Still needing something to change.
You blame yourself. You're the only one going through this, so you must be the problem.
So you pop a happy pill to prepare for your day. To get into the place where you can cope with what's going on in your life.
But you're tired. There must be another way. A way to manage, a way to make it through without having to cope.
How much longer do you want to live like this? How much longer can you go on?
You know that you can't keep on like this. You know that something has got to change and it has to start with you.
Come back to who you were before.
Before you started compromising yourself.
Before you started living for everyone else.
Before you started doing what everyone else wanted and not what you wanted.
Before you started existing.
It's time to get back in tune with you.
To figure out what it is that you want.
To figure out what makes you happy.
To figure out what fulfills you.
It's time for you to find out who you are.
Pm me if you know it's your time.
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You've lost yourself.
Along the way with trying to please everyone, do what everyone else thought you should and do what's right.
You've gotten lost. So lost in fact you can't seem to find yourself.
... And no one can understand your sadness. No one seems to get it because to everyone else you should be happy.
For those looking in all they see is your highlight reel. They don't see the real you. The real you that is lost.
But how would they ever?
You can't even seem to see it.
You wonder if you will ever find yourself again.
You wonder if it's possible for you to find it.
You wonder if you should just suck it up.
You wonder if you should just give up the dream.
I'm here to tell you, you are not lost.
You're still in there, you just need to pick up the pieces of you that you've given away.
And this is the work I support women in doing.
I help you to see those pieces and learn how to embrace those parts of you.
Because your life doesn't have to look like this and it definitely doesn't have to feel like this.
You are worthy of the happiness you seek.
Pm me if you're interested in learning how we can work together.
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A testimonial I received. I remember when she first reached out to me. I remember her concern about working with me because we had mutual friends and different spiritual backgrounds.
One thing I will always do is protect my clients. Protect their information. Protect their privacy. Protect their experience. Protect their past.
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... Dear Twyla,
When I first found out that you were a life coach I was interested in working with you. It was something I was looking for and you happened to come around at the right moment. I must admit I had some major emotional walls I had built up throughout my years, so I was very cautious about reaching out to you. It took me about two weeks to send you a message of interest. During our prelude meeting you graciously assured me how you run your business and you also prepared me for some significant deep digging.
I remember our first session, I was very emotional and had tears flowing as I shared with you all the things I wanted to accomplish by the end of our meetings. As I look back, those tears were significant as I did not believe I could or even deserved to achieve my goals in life.
As we concluded our last session today, I now know I have and can achieve the things I desire in my life. We have done some deep digging with that shovel of yours ultimately breaking down walls and peeling back layers. You asked the difficult questions and unveiled deep seeded issue that I never knew was there. As I write this thank you note tears are blurring my vision, but these tears represent the realities of who I know I am and what I deserved to accomplish in my life.
Thank you for all your hard work, challenging questions and our tough but loving shovel. I am free to be me.
Unapologetically Me SC July 2018
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Be your own ride or die. The only person who needs to have your back is you.
#pawntoqueen #projectloveyourself #embodyher #unapologeticallyyou #selflove #rideordie #loveyourself #knowyourworth


The mask is heavy.
The weight of the world lies in your shoulders but you have to keep it together. To smile when the lights are on.
You are exhausted.
... The magnitude of it all is too much to bear but you keep on going. Keep smiling. Keep pressing because that's all you know how to do.
You wish you could give up.
You wish you could get help.
You wish you knew how to ask.
But you don't. What would everyone think of you?
They would judge you. Judge you for you not being strong enough. Judge you for not having it all together. Judge you based on their problems and experiences.
Because who are you to complain. Look at how good you have it.
But if only they knew the real truth. The real truth of your life.
The truth of your loneliness.
The truth of your hurt.
The truth of your longing.
The truth of your tears.
What you want seems so simple, but you can't find it. Can't seem to have it.
So you continue, with a tear stained pillow every day to wake you up.
But the truth is it doesn't have to be this way. It doesn't have to feel this way.
You can make it.
You can be happy.
You can be fulfilled.
This is your time to dig deep and have your own back. To be your own ride or die. To be your own driver.
If you're ready to stop existing and start living pm me and see how we can work together.
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Boundaries aren't hard to create. What scares us is what they will mean.
We have a deep desire to be accepted, to be liked, to be wanted and approved of. When we are faced with the choice to place boundaries we become afraid of what others will think of us.
Boundaries are important and they aren't about anyone else but what you are no longer willing to tolerate in your life.
... #pawntoqueen #projectloveyourself #unapologeticallyyou #embodyher #peoplepleaser #pleaseyourself #boundaries #approval #needforapproval #love #selflove #friends #goals
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If only they knew.
If only they knew the truth. The truth of how you feel. The truth of the tears you cry at night. The truth of your tear soaked pillow. The truth that you have to hide.
If only they knew, but they can't.
... So you hide it. You hide it behind the fake smile. You hide it behind perfect pics on IG. You hide it behind the filters of your Snapchat.
The perfect smile to create the illusion of your perfect life.
Keeping up appearances even though it hurts. You wish there was someone real. Someone real in your circle that could handle all of your truth, but they can't. They can only handle pieces. They can only handle it in pieces.
So you keep hiding. Tucking the pain away. Tucking the hurt, the tears, the stained pillow.
You contemplate how easy it would be to give up. To just one day no longer exist. To be an after thought.
But somehow you hold on. You keep going. Keep pushing, as hard as it gets to just keep breathing.
You are a fighter. You've coined the term survivor and wear it like a badge of honour.
Afterall you have survived and continue to fight each and every day.
But your life doesn't have to be this way. It doesn't have to feel this way. You deserve to feel loved. You deserve to feel like you matter, like your hurt matters. Like you don't have to smile through everything.
The mask you wear has become your burden and it's time to let that burden go and realize happiness is possible for you too.
If you're ready to drop the mask and the burden along with it, pm me and let's talk about it. ŌØż’ĖÅ
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Project Love Yourself is open!
We start on September 11th.
If you've wanted to work with me and have been looking for an opportunity, this is the perfect one for you.
... I will be sharing more as time goes on, but if you'd like info please pm me :)
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Your brave face is killing you!
The face you put on for the outside world to see. The one to hide the truth, the truth of what is actually going on.
You smile, you nod, you fake it real good. You can't let anyone know the truth because if they knew then what would they say, worse what would they think?
... So, you keep smiling. Keep up the appearance of having it all together. Like you've got this, cuz that's what you keep telling yourself, but inside you're dying. Inside you don't know how much longer you can hang on. Inside you're holding on but the thread is shredding. And you watch as it unravels trying to save face.
You want someone to see you, to ask you, to reach out, to actually care but no one does and when they do, you're afraid to say, afraid to speak your truth.
So you hang on a bit longer, wondering when it will all crash. When the walls will come tumbling. You even start to imagine how it will look once it does.
This doesn't have to be your reality. This doesn't have to be your life.
The walls don't have to crash. It doesn't have to break.
You are not broken. You've just lost your way. You've just tried to please your way to who everyone wanted you to be that you lost the essence of who you are.
Let me be your GPS system. Let me guide you back to who you are.
That's why I'm here. That's what I'm here to do. That's my mission in life; to help women get back to themselves and do it on their own terms.
This is you. This is your time to build new and start fresh!
This is your time to be you and know who that is. Want to jump on a call pm me to find out how we can work together.
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Are you secretly crying at night?
The house is quiet. The kids have gone to bed. The husband lies beside you fast asleep and you just can't anymore. All of a sudden your eyes start filling.
You try to compose yourself so you don't wake him. Part of you wants him to hear you. The other part believes be wouldn't care anyway.
... The tears are filling faster than you can stop them. As the tears soak your pillow you think how can this stop.
You just want to stop the pain. Stop the pain of the numbness inside of you. Stop the pain of the overwhelm.
But you can't and the tears continue. It's become too much to keep sweeping it under the rug, it's there, you can feel it but you don't know what to do.
The YouTube videos, Ted Talks, and google searches aren't helping. They aren't helping you cope or manage better. You want to run away, run away and hide but you can't. You can't bring yourself to do it.
Deep inside you are craving support. But you have trained yourself not to ask.
You resent the fact no one is seeing through your mask. But you wouldn't dare be weak and admit that you wear one.
You need the freedom and a safe place to open up . What you need is someone who can pull out the parts that hurt and help you deal with them. Help you heal from the heartache you feel inside. Help to minimize the pain that comes up in spurts.
You are not alone.
You can get help. You can receive support. You deserve it. You deserve to know what happiness feels like.
It's not elusive.
You just don't know that.
Let me help you. Let me be the life raft you've been praying for.
I know how to get you from where you are to where you want to be. I understand the vision you see and want so badly.
This is your time to be taken care of. This is your time to be a priority. This is your time to be fully supported.
Afterall you've done it for everyone else. Don't you think you deserve it too?
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Vulnerability isn't weak.
We live in a society where strength is praised. That's the stronger you appear to be the better you somehow are, but that strength sometimes costs more than it's worth.
People trying to take on the world and not seek help when they need it.
... Or
Being afraid of being judged for not having it all together.
There's strength in vulnerability. Vulnerability is a part of our humanity. It's what helps us to be compassionate, sensitive and empathetic.
It's never fun to be vulnerable because we have to open ourselves up to others and that's why it takes strength.
That's exactly why it makes us that much stronger.
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Do you have trouble setting boundaries in your life?


Compassion doesn't excuse a person's behaviour but it does lend understanding and empathy.
Whenever I speak of compassion and forgiveness I typically receive the same response which can only be described as hella resistance.
People are afraid to be compassionate and forgiving of others because they feel like it excuses their behaviour, but this isn't true.
... It doesn't excuse their behaviour at all! But it can lend understanding. We can only do what we can with the skills we have, and if we have ineffective or underdeveloped skills in areas it's no wonder we have issues.
So be compassionate with yourself and others because just like them you only did what you could with the skills you had!
#pawntoqueen #projectloveyourself #embodyher #unapologeticallyyou #selflove #selfloveaffirmations #selflovequotes #womenrising #empowerment #compassion #empathy #love #relationships #womenempoweringwomen #women #womensempowerment
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Twyla is the real deal - 100% legit - clears your shit, helps identify things that are holding you back and is sweet and gentle while telling you what's up. I love this lady, I don't get to see her or spend as much time as I'd like with her but she's a force. Do your thing Twyla the world needs you. ’┐Į’┐Į


Twyla is kind and generous with her time. She has gifts that not many posses and uses these gifts with love and compassion. She is inspirational and will care for your well being with your greatest interest in mind. She will guide you with a loving hand to transform your life even when you are experimenting a rough patch of road. God is careful when he hands out this type of gift and Twyla is one of the few to receive this miraculous gift...Thank you Twyla!


One session with Twyla made a big difference for me. Her energy is enthusiastic and her intuition amazing.


Twyla is the real deal - 100% legit - clears your shit, helps identify things that are holding you back and is sweet and gentle while telling you what's up. I love this lady, I don't get to see her or spend as much time as I'd like with her but she's a force. Do your thing Twyla the world needs you. ’┐Į’┐Į


Twyla is kind and generous with her time. She has gifts that not many posses and uses these gifts with love and compassion. She is inspirational and will care for your well being with your greatest interest in mind. She will guide you with a loving hand to transform your life even when you are experimenting a rough patch of road. God is careful when he hands out this type of gift and Twyla is one of the few to receive this miraculous gift...Thank you Twyla!


One session with Twyla made a big difference for me. Her energy is enthusiastic and her intuition amazing.

More about Twyla Clarke

Twyla Clarke is located at Calgary, Alberta t1y4k7