Ukrainian Resource And Development Centre - Macewan University

About Ukrainian Resource And Development Centre - Macewan University

Committed to linking MacEwan, the Ukrainian Canadian community, and universities in Ukraine and Eastern Europe.

Ukrainian Resource And Development Centre - Macewan University Description

The Ukrainian Resource and Development Centre (URDC) is an endowed institution within Grant MacEwan University. Launched in 1988, it has received ongoing support from the Ukrainian Canadian community, the governments of Alberta and Canada, and MacEwan. URDC is engaged in a number of initiatives promoting community development and intercultural dialogue. URDC does not offer courses; rather, it develops and carries out provincial, national, and international projects linking MacEwan, the Ukrainian Canadian community and universities in Ukraine and Eastern Europe.

Український центр засобів і розвитку – УЦЗР
Український центр засобів і розвитку – УЦЗР – розташований в університеті ім. Ґрента МакЮена та має свій постійний фонд. Створений у 1988 році, Центр користується підтримкою українсько-канадської громади, уряду Альберти та університету MaкЮена. УЦЗР залучений до низки ініціатив, сприяючи розвитку громади та міжкультурного діалогу. УЦЗР не пропонує навчальних курсів, а впроваджує проекти на провінційному, національному та міжнародному рівнях, пов’язуючи МакЮен з українсько-канадською громадою та університетами України та Східної Європи.



Attention Ukrainian Canadians! You could study in Ukraine next year! The Government of Ukraine is offering a great opportunity to take a university program/classes for free. Deadline to apply is March 31. You will need to obtain a certificate of Ukrainian Abroad (посвідчення закордонного українця) - nians-abroad – which takes time, so act now! Good command of Ukrainian is required.
Further information:, 587-930-229...0.
Please share widely! Thank you.
Consulate General of Ukraine in Edmonton, Олександр Данилейко, Nadiya Kostenko, Ukrainian Students' Society - USS, SUSK : Ukrainian Canadian Students' Union, Ukrainian Canadian Congress - Edmonton Branch, Ukrainian Canadian Congress - Alberta Provincial Council (UCC-APC), Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, Macewan University Ukrainian Students Club, Study Ukrainian at UAlberta, Ukrainian Shumka Dancers, Ukrainian National Federation of Canada (Edmonton branch)
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The students of COSL 301, Community Service-Learning course, are organizing another fundraising event in support of the work of Help Us Help The Children (HUHTC), the summer camp for disadvantaged children that we will be part of in summer 2019. Thank you so much, MacEwan Towers!

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Dear friends, Ukrainian Resources and Development Centre will implement and support a number of projects in Canada and Ukraine. For instance, three groups of MacEwan University students will travel to Ukraine for Sociology, Nursing, and Arts and Science Community Service-Learning courses this spring and summer. Stay tuned!


Dear colleagues, partners and friends of URDC!
As you may already know, I am retiring from MacEwan next month, and I am happy to introduce a good friend Larisa Hayduk, who is replacing me as a new URDC Director.
Larisa has been with MacEwan since 2007 in a variety of important roles, which kept her involved in our international and Ukrainian programming.
... Larisa has also served on the Board of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (Alberta Provincial Council), where she played a key role in developing and implementing large-scale projects aimed at enhancing multilateral collaboration with Ukraine at the government and community levels.
It has been a pleasure working with you, and I trust URDC will continue to spearhead and facilitate successful cooperation between MacEwan and our partner universities in Ukraine.
Щиро дякую вам за плідну співпрацю!
Yuri Konkin
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MacEwan University and its Partner Universities in Ukraine Hold a Major Faculty Development Event in Lviv. Fourteen MacEwan faculty representing 7 different programs, and two administrators visited Ukraine during the Fall reading week to take part in a comprehensive academic experience sharing event built around the model of MacEwan’s Great Teachers Seminar spearheaded by our Office of Teaching and Learning Services (TLS) formally know as the Centre for Advancement of Faculty...
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MacEwan University School of Business, URDC and Ukrainian Foundation for College Education (UFCE) help Національний університет "Києво-Могилянська академія" NaUKMA and Український Католицький Університет UCU join European Innovation Academy.
For a number of years, MacEwan University has been taking part in the summer programs organized by the European Innovation Academy (EIA). Lat summer, over twenty MacEwan students supervised by Launa Linaker of our School of Business atte...nded the program in Italy and Portugal.
The main purpose of the program is to let students from around the world set-up creative teams and come-up with innovative social, educational and business projects to be pitched to the international investors and other organizations for further development and implementation. Although it sounds like a purely business approach, the program is open not just to business students, but also to students enrolled in different programs (for example, journalism, economics, etc) at all levels – from undergraduate to PhD.
Yulia Kleban (UCU) and Valeria Vasylchuk (NaUKMA) joined the MacEwan team in Turin for an intensive three-week program.
Yulia Kleban, who was a member of the international team from China, Italy, Switzerland, and Australia engaged in developing a platform for startup community, has this to say about her experience in Turin: “The EIA program has provided me with several benefits regarding professional and personal development. From the professional point of view, there are the following outcomes: 1) The course Social Entrepreneurship that I teach at the Faculty will receive the EIA materials. That means that the students will get access to the well-developed templates of each step in the idea validation, product-market fit process, etc. 2) The material of EIA and my updated skills at the program are good ground to build a full new course for the students at the bachelor level (Computer Science and IT and Business Analytics majors). 3) The startup idea development experience gives me the insights to become a mentor for the students at the UCU Center of entrepreneurship” Valeria Vasylchuk has enjoyed team work with MacEwan students: “Communication with MacEwan students was a real pleasure for me. I felt real kinship with Canadian students in different aspects”. Upon return to NaUKMA, Valeria has been assigned to teach a new course in Social Entrepreneurship and Finance, and she is confident that innovative materials and methodology, which she learned at EIA, would enhance this new coursework to benefit Ukrainian students.
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Please join URDC in welcoming Hanna Saturska, Olha Namisniak and Yurii Petrashyk, faculty members of the Тернопільський державний медичний університет імені І. Я. ГорбачевськогоTernopil State Medical University (TSMU), who are visiting MacEwan University during September 23- October 7, 2018. The visit is part of a long-term partnership program between TSMU and MacEwan University Faculty of Nursing. Last May, Hanna, Olha and Yurii took part in the delivery of the HLST-400 “Glo...bal Health Perspectives” course, which was successfully co-delivered in Ternopil by MacEwan and TSMU faculty to a large cohort of Canadian and Ukrainian students. The program of the current visit includes a range of academic engagements, tours of the local health care facilities, meetings with the students, as well as professional discussions regarding different ways of consolidating and enhancing the delivery of the course in Ukraine next year, scheduled for May 2-24, 2019.
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The Ukrainian Resource and Development Centre (URDC) at MacEwan University is calling for applications for the six arts and music awards briefly described below.
The application deadline is November 30, 2018. The Alberta Council for the Ukrainian Arts (ACUA) Award ($500) is offered annually for a project that fosters a greater awareness of Ukrainian art in Alberta. This project may be in the form of an exhibit, tour, festival, educational program, or special project. (1 awa...
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