Victorious Church International Leduc

Monday: -
Tuesday: -
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Thursday: -
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Saturday: -
Sunday: 10:00 - 12:00

About Victorious Church International Leduc

Non-Denominational Filipino Congregation, Apostolic Church

Victorious Church International Leduc Description

Non-Denominational Filipino Congregation, Apostolic Church



3rd Day: Weekend Encounter


2nd Night: Cross Encounter Weekend Retreat


1st Night: Weekend Encounter 2018
#CrossEncounter #RenewedLove


I declare Ephesians 3:20 over my life. God will do exceedingly abundantly above all that I ask or think. Because I honor Him, His blessings will chase me down and overtake me. I will be in the right place at the right time. People will go out of their way to be good to me. I am surrounded by God's favor. This is my declaration.
If this is your declaration type "Amen!"


Wondering how this church started four years ago? Let's watch the video to see the church history.
Enjoy and be blessed as you witness what the Lord has done in the last four years.
... Credits: Song Title: Gamitin Mo, Tayo Na Words & Music: Juvinar Santiago Singer: Evelyn Abadies (in her loving memory)
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To God Be The Glory!
We Are Rooted In Christ.
4th Year Anniversary Celebration of God's Grace and Faithfulness!


Thank you so much to all... this event is glorious and victorious! To God Be The Glory!
#Rooted #GodsAmazingGrace #GloryToGod


Come and Join Us. As we celebrate God's Faithfulness on our Fourth Year Anniversary. We are excited and want you to be part on this Special Occasion. God bless!


7 Days To Go!
Come, Be Blessed and Experience The Life Changing Love of God!
September 1, 2018, 2:00-5:00pm Saturday... Venue: Millet Comm Hall
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Come be Blessed and Experience the Life Changing Love of God!


Everyone is Invited on our 4th Year Anniversary. September 01, 2018, 2:00Pm-5:00pm. Venue: Millet Community Hall.


Getting people to listen to you (2)
'The Lord gave him success in everything he did.' Genesis 39:3 NIV
The second credential you need when it comes to getting people to listen to you is: success. Credibility doesn't come from knowledge alone; it comes from results. When people want to succeed, they seek advice from those who have actually accomplished something. When you're successful, there will always be those who want to listen to you. And if you have a proven track record... in an area where they want to succeed, your credibility goes through the roof.
So what does it take to be a success? Many different things. Here are a few: (1) Habits. Everybody wants to succeed, but few are willing to pay the price. You don't determine your future; you determine your habits and your habits determine your future. The secret lies in your daily routine. To succeed you must make a habit of doing what those who are unsuccessful don't do. (2) Opportunity. A successful person makes hay from the grass that grows under the other person's feet! They don't restrict their efforts to the hours when the sun shines. They recognise that success takes aspiration, inspiration and perspiration. (3) Persistence. Success means getting back up each time you fall. Scientist and inventor Louis Pasteur said, 'Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal. My strength lies solely in my tenacity.' (4) God. Abraham Lincoln said, 'I believe the will of God prevails; without him all human reliance is vain; without the assistance of that divine being I cannot succeed; with that assistance I cannot fail.'
God gave Joseph 'success in everything he did' (Genesis 39:3 NIV), and he wants to do the same for you!
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Getting people to listen to you (1)
'The common people heard him gladly.' Mark 12:37 NKJV
The Bible says concerning Jesus: 'The common people heard him gladly' (Mark 12:37 NKJV). Why? Because his words were backed by these all-important things: his character, his conduct and his concern for others. In short, Jesus earned the right to speak. Have you?
... Getting people to listen calls for: insight.When what you say truly helps somebody, you form a connection. Benjamin Franklin, one of the most admired figures in American history and known for his homespun wisdom, had a remarkable career. Interestingly, he had little formal education. He attended school for only two years, yet he was highly respected because of his knowledge and keen insight. A voracious reader and an intellectually curious man, he became expert in a remarkable number of areas: printing and publishing, politics, civic activism, the sciences and diplomacy. He was an innovative inventor who secured the support of France during the Revolutionary War, founded the first public library in America, served as the first president of the American Philosophical Society, and helped draft the Declaration of Independence. Biographer Walter Isaacson called Franklin 'the most accomplished American of his age and the most influential in inventing the type of society America would become'. People felt a sense of connection when Franklin shared his wisdom.
When you love people, work hard, study, develop and share your expertise in a given area, they will learn to respect and listen to you. And when it comes to listening, you don't get what you demand, you get what you earn.
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A prayer for knowing God's will
'You saw me before I was born.' Psalm 139:16 NLT
The psalmist wrote: 'You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. How precious are your thoughts about me, O God' (Psalm 139:16-17 NLT).
... If you want to know God's will for your life, pray this prayer: 'Lord, you knew me completely before I was born, and you shaped me and destined me for a purpose. Give me a clear vision of all you want to do in and through my life. I desperately need to understand what the "hope of my calling" (Ephesians 4:4 NAS) is, and "the exceeding greatness of his power" (Ephesians 1:19 NKJV) to enable me to fulfil your purpose (see 2 Corinthians 9:14). Show me the gifts you have put in me, and how I can develop and use them for your glory (see Romans 12:6). Help me to think big and pray with boldness (see Ephesians 3:20). I want to be open and available for whatever you have for me, and not miss your blessings by being unprepared to receive them. Help me not to hold on to things or relationships that are not of you. I want to do your will with my whole heart (see Psalm 40:8). Only you know what and whois right for me. Help me to hear your voice, and give me the grace and courage to follow your leading when I am afraid (see John 10:4). May the desires of your heart become the desires of my heart. Enlarge my capacity to believe that you can take what I have and multiply it beyond what I can imagine. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen!
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Please support Pastor Juvinar Santiago's Album. Available in Google Play Store. Please see the link below. Be Blessed!
All proceeds will go to the Mission Centre. …


Join Christ's victorious church! (2)
'Receive longer as a slave but...a brother.' Philemon 1:15-16 NKJV
What finally brought about an end to slavery? The gospel of Jesus Christ. Note the small letter Paul wrote to Philemon. A runaway slave was thrown into a Roman prison along with Paul, and Paul converted him to Christ. And when the slave was released, Paul sent him back to his owner, Philemon. The custom at that time was to kill escaped slaves after they'd been reca...ptured. But now Philemon had also become a Christian, another convert of the apostle Paul, who instructed him to 'receive longer as a slave but...a brother' (Philemon 1:15-16 NKJV). And in that new brotherhood slavery found its death knell.
Now, fast forward to the days of William Wilberforce, who was convicted of his sin and converted under the preaching of John Wesley. Wilberforce, a slight, hunch-backed man, became one of the most powerful members of Parliament. Consumed by the Gospel and the freedom that Christ offered, Wilberforce devoted all his energies and eloquence to overthrowing the obnoxious African slave trade. And his success in abolishing it throughout the British Empire led to agitation for similar action in the United States. In fact, it was through the proclamations that thundered from pulpits throughout the northern states that abolitionist parties came into being and succeeded in destroying slavery once and for all. So it was through the church that slavery was eradicated.
Jesus came 'to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives' (Luke 4:18 NKJV). Are you a member of Christ's redeemed church? If not, you can sign up today!
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Join Christ's victorious church! (1)
'On this rock I will build my church.' Matthew 16:18 CEV
The Christian church is twice the size of its nearest rival. The odds against that are staggering. Suppose today a group of missionaries showed up in your town and told you that a peasant who'd been put to death was reputed to have risen again. Furthermore, he was no less than the Creator of the universe. Would you buy it? The apostles did in the pagan Roman Empire, and what's more -... they succeeded in overthrowing the Roman Empire. In the face of terrible persecution, Christianity continued to flourish. Even the attempts of Julian the Apostate to overthrow Christianity and re-establish the pagan Roman religions met with no success. When Julian's onslaught against Christianity was at its worst, one of the emperor's followers asked a Christian, 'What is your carpenter's son doing now?' The Christian replied, 'Making a coffin for your emperor!' It wasn't long after this that Julian was mortally wounded in battle. Falling to the ground, he picked up a handful of sand mingled with his blood, tossed it into the air, and declared, 'Thou hast conquered, O Galilean.'
No, the church is not perfect; that's why people like us are welcome there! Nevertheless, there are many valid reasons why the church of Jesus Christ continues to triumph. It's a hospital for the wounded, it's a family for the lonely, and it's a school for those being trained in the principles of discipleship. And ultimately, when everything temporal goes up in smoke, it's the only thing that will be left standing (see 2 Peter 3:10-12). So commit your life to Jesus Christ and join his victorious church!
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Are you one of us?




of all things work together for good...God bless!


Nice,, to God be the glory,,,,


God bless po pastor :)


God Bless Pastor!


GOD bless ................................



A place where Jesus Christ is the one and only Lord


of all things work together for good...God bless!


Nice,, to God be the glory,,,,


God bless po pastor :)


God Bless Pastor!


GOD bless ................................



A place where Jesus Christ is the one and only Lord


of all things work together for good...God bless!


Nice,, to God be the glory,,,,


God bless po pastor :)


God Bless Pastor!


GOD bless ................................



A place where Jesus Christ is the one and only Lord

More about Victorious Church International Leduc

Victorious Church International Leduc is located at 4907 48 Street, Leduc, Alberta T9E 6V1
Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: 10:00 - 12:00