Vincci Tsui, Rd

About Vincci Tsui, Rd

Registered dietitian. Certified intuitive eating counselor. Health At Every Size® advocate. Food lover. Eater.

Rediscover the joy of food and eating. Feel empowered in your body and in life.

Vincci Tsui, Rd Description

Registered dietitian. Certified intuitive eating counselor. Health At Every Size® advocate. Food lover. Eater.

Rediscover the joy of food and eating. Feel empowered in your body and in life.



Often, disappointment comes when an expectation is not met. When we are disappointed with ourselves, usually the "expectation" that is not being met is perfection.
Humans are inherently imperfect. What happens when you try to embrace your imperfection, your humanness, instead of constantly pushing toward an impossible standard?
#chooseselfcompassion @yourhappyhealthyrd


Sliding in just in time for today's #chooseselfcompassion post! . One of the strongest defenses we have against negative self-talk is being grounded in our values. Standing for our values gives us the ammunition to shut down self-criticism—instead of wallowing in our "failures", we can ask ourselves, "Did I do my best given what is important to me?" "Does this align with what I value?" If it doesn't, it's an invitation to let go. @yourhappyhealthyrd


To me, #forgiveness is the ultimate compassionate act: it's about letting go of the negative feelings you hold towards someone who has done something negative, or downright harmful to you.
It's hard enough to extend forgiveness to another person sometimes, yet often it can feel like a weight being lifted off your shoulders. What negative thoughts and feelings do you have about yourself? What would happen if you practiced forgiving yourself for those thoughts, or the actions that triggered them?
#chooseselfcompassion @yourhappyhealthyrd


"Show compassion to others, it comes back in return."
Some of us are really good at being harsh to ourselves. We believe that's how we stay motivated and ahead, worrying that if we show ourselves even the slightest bit of kindness, it's a sign that we're not holding ourselves to a "high standard" and we're falling behind.
If you're struggling to show yourself compassion, I invite you to look outwards - how do you treat others in your life? And how are you treated in return? W...ould your loved ones be comfortable with the way that you are treating their loved one?
#chooseselfcompassion @yourhappyhealthyrd
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Back when I was stuck in #dietculture, I supported calling out companies for using "junk food" to raise funds, particularly for health-related causes.
The reality is, one cookie or Blizzard is not going to make or break your health. While I know this is more a marketing campaign than a good cause, and I wish organizations could be a little more creative in their fundraising efforts, I won't say no to some ice cream on a hot day! (Though I did find it sweeter than I would like) #miracletreatday


Facebook keeps telling me you haven't heard from me for a while, so here I am! I just returned from Portland on Tuesday and have been getting caught up with my book.
I wanted to pop in to share that I was interviewed on one of my favourite podcasts, The Mindful Dietitian, hosted by Fiona Sutherland of Body Positive Australia. It is geared more for other dietitians, but I think you can handle it ;) (Content warning, we do use the "o" words)
According to the official descriptio...n, we talked about my "current work space, how therapeutic diets can become problematic, the factors that led to and experience working in a bariatric clinic, the issues with weight-centred health professionals ‘co-opting’ the non-diet/HAES language, transitioning to a non-diet/HAES model, acknowledging privilege and ‘bringing yourself into the room’ while with clients and why collaboration between HAES/non-diet and ‘obesity prevention’ professionals is so hard." But really, I just name-dropped all my favourite folks and steered the podcast in another direction when she was trying to end it 😅
Hope you'll have a listen! /the-mindful-diet…/
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So grateful for some of these unscheduled, smaller conversations I've been having at #asdahconf2018.
[Edited to add: Yes, I recognize that the people in this photo are not particularly diverse.]


In Portland for the ASDAH conference this weekend! Will tweet sessions using the hashtag #asdahconf2018 at @vinccird


"The extent of our education in cultural competency was extremely limited. If a patient was Mexican, we should teach them to sub out the potatoes on the MyPlate with a tortilla. If a patient was Asian, swap a serving of pasta for a serving of rice."




In other news, I'm writing a book! This means that my social media presence will probably be a little spotty for the next few weeks as the publisher that I'm working with would like to have this out by the end of the year.
Later this week I'm attending the ASDAH conference, so be sure to follow me on Twitter @VincciRD as I live-tweet sessions, and also Instagram @VincciRD for more fun updates!


The Intuitive Eating with Chronic Disease is back! This week, we're talking about Challenging the Food Police 👮‍♂️🚓
I'm tagging 6 Tabs Open, who asked me to write about the food police vs. food anthropologist voice - killing two birds with one stone!


Love this post and shift in perspective - how are you feeling as the weekend winds down to a close?


I didn't know Ellen, but she sounds like she was a feisty woman who made the most of her last days.
"A final message Ellen wanted to share was about the fat shaming she endured from the medical profession. Over the past few years of feeling unwell she sought out medical intervention and no one offered any support or suggestions beyond weight loss. Ellen's dying wish was that women of size make her death matter by advocating strongly for their health and not accepting that fat is the only relevant health issue."


What a neat list! I appreciated that different ages were represented, not just countries. Happy International Self Care Day!


"However, the fact that this was a course intended to combat weight stigma, the experts are saying that obesity is an “epidemic” and a “problem” runs counter to the message they’re trying to convey. It just goes to show how deeply ingrained weight bias is when the very experts trying to counter it are inadvertently perpetuating it."


My latest in WellSeek: Who's Afraid of Big, Bad Food?


It's worrying that a lot of these behaviours are seen as normal, or even praised as being "virtuous".

More about Vincci Tsui, Rd

Vincci Tsui, Rd is located at 233-4039 Brentwood Rd NW, Calgary, Alberta T2L 1L1