Workforce Delivery - Collaboration, Strategy, Sourcing & Logistics

Monday: 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 17:00
Friday: 08:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Workforce Delivery - Collaboration, Strategy, Sourcing & Logistics

Collective Bargaining, Workplace Investigations, Workforce Delivery & Development, Labour /Industrial /Employee Relations and First Nation Relations, Supervisor & Manager Training - CCAB Certified Aboriginal Business with Treaty 4 & Treaty 5 Ownership Roots

Workforce Delivery - Collaboration, Strategy, Sourcing & Logistics Description

Stakeholder Engagement, Strategy, Sourcing & Logistics in respect to workforce delivery for Major Construction & Maintenance Undertakings



I'm out. Notley, Horgan and Singh's NDP Party at it again. It's pretty gross. My firm will not participate in such a wasteful, uncompetitive, unsustainable process. It goes against my core values, especially when the International Labourees, Teamsters, United Associstion and Operating Engineers recently refused to agree to socio-economic conditions in favour of hiring locals regional to BC, including First Nation stakeholders who's territory was directly impacted. CLAC on th...e other hand supports local hire provisions, and I don't have to fight for apprenticeship ratios to help develop the next generation of workers. When you take out retirees ect, BC building trades have maybe 18,000 (just check JA Plan remittance hours) and most are employed or work part time (on the shutdown cycle). In fact, most available and willng to work BC tradespeople are open shop or CLAC. There appears to be no end to how stupid the NDP and BC Building Trades think the general public is.
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I quite enjoyed this Article by Gavin Marshall of Roper Greyell LLP regarding investigations and some common misperceptions by some employers while investigating interpersonal conflict including sexual harassment in a post-#Metoo era. #investigation #harassment


I got a chuckle out of this. Share if you've done this before to a bad boss. Sigh, sadly some will never appreciate you until you are gone. Have a good day. And, if you have a crummy boss, have a great day.


Why "AB NDP" (Anything But NDP) in 2019 matters.
The fact one option satisfying the above is quite attractive to me is just gravy...and, a little gravy would be nice for a Change in AB in 2019. Until then, I am just waiting for info to be released on advance voting. 2019 is not an election to sit back and watch the results come in. Get involved, and voting is a must to get our province back on track.


Classic GreenPeace...
Yes, the people who consider themselves at the vanguard among those protecting our pure and native land from the environmental ravages of the destructive energy industry, can’t even bother to keep their ramshackle front yards clear of refuse and liquor bottles.
And right there, in a somewhat seedy nutshell, stands the sad reality of this country’s hypocritical division.
... Anyhow, they call themselves Camp Cloud and, for a while, they were anointed to near sainthood by the latte-sipping, defined-benefit-pension bunch that used to spare the time for a pipeline protest or two.
Heck, a few even got themselves ticketed by the police — a middle class badge of honour if ever there was one. Ah, but that was then, this is now.
So this is what Burnaby mayor”s now has to say: “the drug use, the drinking, the impact of the facility on traffic and some of the things said to people that have been going through the neighbourhood, have been offensive.”
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Useful article by Ritu Mahil & Jim Boyle of Lawson Lundell LLP advising employers take an engaged, active approach to assessing probationary employees. Clear communication should keep employers out of trouble and applying the suitability standard should make your decisions defensible...
"[S]uitability", a somewhat amorphous concept that takes into account factors such as the probationary employee's: performance; attitude and compatibility;... capability and skill; and capacity to meet future production requirements."
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26 Petro-Canada stations are First Nations owned.


Workforce Delivery Inc. - Collaboration, Strategy, Sourcing & Logistics extends our deep congratulations to Pacific Atlantic Pipeline Construction Inc. We share our gratitude to Coastal GasLink Pipeline Project and LNG Canada. What a fantastic team. Canada's LNG 's off to a great start w/service providers such as, "...Pacific Atlantic Pipeline Construction Inc. (a Canadian company of the Bonatti group) [with a contract] to construct the proposed Coastal GasLink Pipeline Project, pending...Final Investment Decision by...LNG Canada for their...facility in Kitimat, B.C."…/urn:li:activ ity:6414850760496029…


Part 2 Safety Sensitive, Medical Marijuana, Requirement to Disclose & Duty to Accommodate


A telling article. If you are able to work with Credit Unions, in my opinion they are a delight, bringing back the customer-centric, relationship and prudent banking of days gone by. 1 1/2 years ago I moved my business from TD to Servus Credit Union in Alberta and couldn't be happier. Now I am moving my personal banking including our mortgage to Servus Credit Union as well. #banking #business #creditunions #personalbanking

More about Workforce Delivery - Collaboration, Strategy, Sourcing & Logistics

Monday: 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 17:00
Friday: 08:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -