Yoga For Snow Sports

About Yoga For Snow Sports

Yoga for Skiers & Snowboarders

Yoga For Snow Sports Description

Attaining Samādhi on Snow.
Samādhi is the 8th limb of yoga. It describes a non-dualistic meditative state where the experiencer and the object of experience become one. For The Spiritual Skier this is the union of skier and mountain.

The Spiritual Skier is someone for whom skiing has become an almost ritualized mode of self expression and an opportunity to connect in a deeply enriching way with the mountain. Blending my two passions skiing and yoga I have been able to tap into the spiritual side of the mountain experience. The Spiritual Skier is all about sharing how to do that with others.

Christine Davidson has been immersed in the study and practice of Yoga & Buddhism for the past 15 years. A Yoga Alliance Certified 500hr teacher she has trained both in Canada and India. Christine's approach to Yoga is Traditional Indian Hatha.

There is a reason the meditative discipline has endured for 5000 years and its resulting physical practice over 700 years. There is a power to this ancient practice and as a Hatha Teacher my most important job is to hold space so the practitioner can go through the spiritual work of transformation.