Zhao Tcm

Monday: 10:30 - 18:00
Tuesday: 10:30 - 18:00
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 10:30 - 18:00
Friday: 10:30 - 18:00
Saturday: 10:30 - 14:00
Sunday: -

About Zhao Tcm

Natural approach using acupuncture and chinese herbs to control hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, pain, migraines, infertility, anxiety, hormone imbalance, and more.

Zhao Tcm Description

Dr. William Liye Zhao, is the founder of Super Nature Solutions in Calgary, Alberta, and is licensed to practice Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine in the Province of Alberta.

Dr. Zhao is a graduate of the Beijing Traditional Medicine and Pharmacy University - China’s top Medical University and has extensive training in both western and traditional Chinese medicine.

During his more than 30 years of academic and clinical experience in Canada and China, Dr. Zhao has treated thousands of patients and he is considered by many to be both a Master Acupuncturist and a Master Herbalist. His several patented Herbal formulas attest to his knowledge and devotion to his patients’ health and wellbeing.

Over the years, Dr. Zhao has helped thousands of patients achieve health and wellness with his Traditional Chinese methods of treating disease, pain and cancer.

Since his arrival in Canada, Dr. Zhao has become involved with the Alberta Acupuncture Society and has advised the Alberta Government on various acupuncture regulatory and licensing policies.

He frequently lectures professional and patient groups on the complementary and beneficial aspects of Chinese Traditional Medicine.




An artist’s work is represented in his painting. Their artistic work can be put up for display on New York’s Fifth Avenue or any big stage for the world to see. Similarly, an acupuncturist’s work can be reflected in the numbers in their patients, whether that number be their blood sugar or blood pressure. While most may not be able to see how an acupuncturist does their work or what the final results look like, those numbers help to represent the skill of an acupuncturist sim...ilar to that of a work of art and a painter’s skill. Today, Mr. N noticed the impressive change in his blood pressure and wished that he could have acupuncture treatment every day. These heartfelt words are more precious than any other kinds of gratitude. Those that are seeking treatment should know that there are many forms of therapy out there to help improve an individual’s overall health. If there is a way to reduce medication and prescription drugs, then that’s an avenue worth exploring. An acupuncturist can be there to help paint that picture and make the goal more achievable.
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A study involving 4400 diabetic patients over 25 years showed that half of the patients suffered from pathological changes in the form of diabetic foot. This involved a decrease of sensitivity in the affected foot area, and a decrease in mobility of the ankle. Acupuncture is a very effective therapy for those that suffer from this condition. Just one needle can open clots and blockage as well dissipate any numbness or discomfort. Many patients who have had acupuncture to trea...t their diabetic foot have been very pleased with the results. One patient in particular noted how he previously had seen another doctor for 7 months and wasn’t able to get the same relief as a single session of needling. Acupuncture may look simple but there is a lot of history and skill behind each needle and technique. Some may think acupuncture is a slow meticulous process, but the effects of one single needle can be swift and impactful!
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Today was the second time Mr. G came to the clinic to have his diabetic foot treated. After the acupuncture session, the numbness and burning sensation experienced in the foot was reduced, according to the patient, by 80 percent. After a week of Chinese Medical Herbal treatment, Mr. G’s blood glucose levels dropped down to the range of 40-60 mg/dL. Furthermore, the patient also lost 7 pounds since the start of the treatment. Mr. G was really gracious for the treatment and expressed how regretful he was that he wasn’t able to come sooner.


Canadians prefer natural remedies and empirical evidence to help illustrate how those remedies are effective at solving their issues. Receiving praise from those that have received positive effects from treatment is a genuine, heartfelt happiness. Over time, these praises help to build a strong foundation in which more work can be done to further improve efficacy and effectiveness of treatment. A 60-year-old female patient came into the clinic on September 7 with the followin...g conditions: Diabetes, hypertension, and obesity due to endocrine disorders. These issues developed after surgery for cancer and she has been plagued by the above problems for many years. These illnesses have caused her to become stressed, anxious, and depressed. She came to the clinic confused and wanted to seek help. Through the first session of Chinese medicine treatment, her blood pressure was reduced significantly and that helped convince her of the effectiveness of TCM. For the first time she was able to see her desired results through therapy. On Sept 20th, her blood pressure has dropped to an acceptable level. She was able to lose 10 pounds and her 2-hour post-meal blood glucose level is at 6.4 (the lowest it’s been in a decade). This has led her to describe Chinese Medicine as being “incredible, unbelievable, amazing”.
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Ms. Pin, 66 years old, suffered from high blood pressure, insomnia, tachycardia, and atrial fibrillation. She took western medication for her atrial fibrillation and insomnia but was then introduced to the clinic by other doctors. Ms. Pin then received acupuncture treatment once a week in combination with taking Chinese herbal medication. After two weeks, her blood pressure and heart rate decreased significantly. The heart palpitations and insomnia symptoms improved significa...ntly. Heart rate decreased as shown in the photos may indicate that ventricular atrial fibrillation is related to tachycardia. As long as the acupuncture treatment is adhered to, atrial fibrillation can be alleviated.
Atrial fibrillation increases with age and affects 10% of the population over 75 years of age. The frequency of atrial excitement during atrial fibrillation is 300-600 beats/min. The heartbeat is often fast and irregular and can even reach 100-160 beats/min. Those suffering from atrial fibrillation not only have a heart rate much faster than a normal people's heartbeat, but also lose some of the heart’s systolic capacity. Common causes of atrial fibrillation include hypertension, coronary heart disease, cardiac surgery, valvular disease, heart failure, cardiomyopathy, congenital heart disease, pulmonary embolism, and hyperthyroidism. With alcohol, mental stress, water and electrolytes disorders, and serious infections also being causes.
In atrial fibrillation, the atrium loses its contractile function and the blood is easily stagnated in the atrium leading to a blood clot. Furthermore, the thrombosis can be dislodged and accompany the blood to all parts of the body leading to cerebral embolism (brain stroke) and/or limb arterial embolism, which can lead to amputations. The advantages of acupuncture and Chinese medicine treatment are to improve myocardial ischemia and counteract the hardening of the arteries, by gradually dissolving the thrombus, managing the hypertension, and improving the therapeutic effects of Western medication.
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Westerners have begun to acknowledge that Chinese Medicine can reduce blood pressure, lower heart rate, and reduce stress. After Chinese medicine treatment, headaches alleviate, heart palpitations are gone, and blood pressure drops. Those who have undergone Chinese Medicine treatment say it’s a wonderful and awesome feeling!


Mr. Zhongyin is 62 years old and has had type 2 diabetes for 20 years. He took metformin daily, as well 55 units of insulin every morning and five units every night for 30 units before he came into the clinic. He had a morning fasting blood glucose of 8.5-9 and a HbA1c reading of 12. After seven months of Chinese Medicine treatment, his blood sugar level had decreased to about 6.5 and his insulin intake had been reduced to 28 units in the morning, and 11 units at night.
Janu...via, another Beta-Infected person suffering from diabetes for 11 years, took metformin in the morning and evening for four years. She had a morning fasting blood glucose level between 7 and 9 and a HbA1c reading of 7.8. After five months of Chinese Medicine treatment, her fasting blood glucose in the morning decreased to below 7.
By using Chinese Medicine treatment, patients with diabetes had a morning fasting blood glucose level lower than that of those who took simple Western medications. As well, insulin consumption becomes significantly reduced. This allows the patients to reduce their Western Medicine intake, and ultimately allows them to control their diabetes with diet and exercise alone.
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Mr. R, 54 years old, has been suffering from diabetes for many years. He is currently taking a diabetes medication called Xigduo XR (dapagliflozin / sustained release metformin), every morning and evening. However this had not good enough effect on his blood sugar levels, with his morning fasting blood glucose levels consistently being 7 or higher. He then decided to try acupuncture and herb supplements as a last resort to help manage his diabetes. Upon his second visit, he t...
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From Mrs. JC: I would like to tell you my story. I got my sugar checked and blood pressure checked on July 23 2018. It ended up that my blood glucose level was 9, my blood pressure was 159/85mmHg, and I also had a few pounds to lose. So I decided to have acupuncture and take herbal medicine. Dr. William Liye Zhao was able to fix everything I had high. Well I have been going three days a week for a month now. Since August 2018, my sugar is down in the right range of 4.6-5.9 on an empty stomach, my blood pressure is normal in the range of 106/76mmHg, and I have lost 14 pounds. So in my case, acupuncture and herbal medicine has helped me lots.


Affordable, Fast and Naturally Control Blood Sugar


Ancient formula used for thousands of years in Asia to lower and control blood sugar levels, blood pressure levels, cholesterol levels, overweight and hormone balance naturally. All Natural patented Chinese Herbal capsules manufactured in Canadian GMP licensed facility. Registered for sale by Health Canada (NPN registration) Effective for high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high cholesterol also results in weight loss. Measure results in 3 to 5 days or your money ba...ck. New patients qualify for a complimentary bottle of our herbs if you send us a copy of your Doctor’s prescription. We have other herbal products for cardiovascular health, digestion problems, insomnia, depression, menopause and hormone imbalances. Many testimonials from happy patients on our website Tel: 403-247-6828 or 1-888-537-6886 Website: zhaotcm.com
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Customer satisfaction is our best reward - Testimonials
I have had excellent success with the treatment I have received from Dr. Zhao and am happy to share my results. About 2 years ago, I was diagnosed with gout and the beginnings of high blood pressure (hypertension). I was at the point where my doctor wanted to put me on medication for the hypertension and was already on medication for gout attacks, which occurred within days of having a couple glasses of wine or beer. ...
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REDUCED ACNE & CLEARER SKIN IN 2 WEEKS (money back guarantee if not satisfied)
 Regain self-confidence, quality of life  Clearer Skin...  Reduced Blemishes  Improved Digestion  100% All NaturalPlant Based Probiotic Drink Dr. Zhao’s Herbal Juice is a proprietary plant based Probiotic drink, fermented to produce strains of ‘Good Bacteria’ which helps reverse Leaky Gut syndrome and help the body return to natural Balance.
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AMAZING BENEFITS OF ACUPUNCTURE ON TYPE 1 DIABETES Acupuncture for a long term client of Dr. Zhao, who has been receiving periodic treatments, was able to reduce her daily insulin injections from 18 units to 13 units in normalizing her blood sugar and help her swollen and pain from the neuropathy. In addition, acupuncture can help lose belly fat. Discover for yourself how the combination of Dr. Zhao’s Acupuncture and herbs can help with managing your Type 1 and 2 Diabetes at www.zhaotcm.com


Natural herb juice helps acid reflux, fix bloating and gas, relieves the anxiety & fatigue. Money back guarantee


Control Blood Pressure Naturally


Numbers are important indicators in health as they help to show what can't be seen. Their inflections and change showcase how the body is behaving. In people that suffer from high blood pressure or high blood sugar, the outcome of a number can show the process of healing.
For more information about our products or to inquire about samples please visit www.zhaotcm.ca.


There are 5 basic groups of pharmaceutical drugs to treat Type-2 Diabetes: Biguadine, Sulfonylureas, Glucosidase inhibitors, Thiazolidinediones, and Meglitinides.These drugs work by either decreasing the body`s absorption of Glucose or increasing Insulin production.
Metformin, a Biguadine, is the most prescribed Diabetes drug in the world while the next most popular is Sulfonylureas. Most of these drugs begin to lose their efficacy in 3 to 4 years and patients begin to deve...lop resistance to them in 5 to10 years. Only 25% of Type-2 Diabetes patients remain on 1 drug after 3 years with the majority of patients taking 3 or more different types of medications. A Type-2 Diabetic’s last choice is to begin daily Insulin injections once the various classes of drugs lose their effectiveness.
The HbA1c glycated hemoglobin blood test shows how well a diabetes drug is working by measuring your average blood sugar level over the past 3 months. A non-diabetic person`s HBA1c level is between 4.5% to 6% and an untreated Type-2 Diabetic`s HbA1c levels can be as high as 10% to 14%. A pharmaceutical drug which can lower HbA1c levels by 1% or more is considered clinically effective by medical professionals.
Dr. Zhao's ‘One Down’ herbs will, on average, reduce a patient’s HbA1c levels by 3% or greater and when used with ‘IR Reversed’ can lower HbA1c levels by 6% or greater; furthermore, the herbs can stabilize and maintain Glucose levels with little fluctuations. They do not have side effects seen in pharmaceutical drugs such as gastro intestinal discomforts, weight gain, infections, and cancer risks.
The majority of Dr. Zhao's patients who have purchased ‘One Down’ and ‘IR Reversed’ have developed resistance to pharmaceutical drugs and don't want to start Insulin injections. As well some are unable to keep their Glucose from fluctuating wildly even after taking multiple pharmaceutical drugs.
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I left in tears today.... tears of joy, tears of relief, tears of gratefulness... two weeks ago I ruptured a disc in my spine, I also suffer my fibromyalgia, and have had sever chronic pain in my lower back for almost 7 years. I could barely walk the first day I stepped into his clinic... I was drained of energy and exhausted from the agonizing pain I was in. The first session I felt things... indescribable, like parts moving (popping) back into place... he sent me home with tea for inflammation and said I needed to come back, that he could fix me... The next session felt even better... he did something, I don't know what because my face is down I'm laying on my stomach and he worked on my back , but it felt like he pulled something out... with each session I feel better... today though... today was the first time I sat down pain free... I bent down and touched my toes! Stuff people take for granted, I'm doing things I didn't think I would ever do again... I'm 34 years old and I felt like I had an 80 year old body... In just two weeks I am getting my life back.. I highly recommend this doctor. He knows what he is doing. He has excellent bed side manner and is the real deal! I can't wait till my next appointment.


I left in tears today.... tears of joy, tears of relief, tears of gratefulness... two weeks ago I ruptured a disc in my spine, I also suffer my fibromyalgia, and have had sever chronic pain in my lower back for almost 7 years. I could barely walk the first day I stepped into his clinic... I was drained of energy and exhausted from the agonizing pain I was in. The first session I felt things... indescribable, like parts moving (popping) back into place... he sent me home with tea for inflammation and said I needed to come back, that he could fix me... The next session felt even better... he did something, I don't know what because my face is down I'm laying on my stomach and he worked on my back , but it felt like he pulled something out... with each session I feel better... today though... today was the first time I sat down pain free... I bent down and touched my toes! Stuff people take for granted, I'm doing things I didn't think I would ever do again... I'm 34 years old and I felt like I had an 80 year old body... In just two weeks I am getting my life back.. I highly recommend this doctor. He knows what he is doing. He has excellent bed side manner and is the real deal! I can't wait till my next appointment.


I left in tears today.... tears of joy, tears of relief, tears of gratefulness... two weeks ago I ruptured a disc in my spine, I also suffer my fibromyalgia, and have had sever chronic pain in my lower back for almost 7 years. I could barely walk the first day I stepped into his clinic... I was drained of energy and exhausted from the agonizing pain I was in. The first session I felt things... indescribable, like parts moving (popping) back into place... he sent me home with tea for inflammation and said I needed to come back, that he could fix me... The next session felt even better... he did something, I don't know what because my face is down I'm laying on my stomach and he worked on my back , but it felt like he pulled something out... with each session I feel better... today though... today was the first time I sat down pain free... I bent down and touched my toes! Stuff people take for granted, I'm doing things I didn't think I would ever do again... I'm 34 years old and I felt like I had an 80 year old body... In just two weeks I am getting my life back.. I highly recommend this doctor. He knows what he is doing. He has excellent bed side manner and is the real deal! I can't wait till my next appointment.

More about Zhao Tcm

Zhao Tcm is located at 1343A Northmount Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta T2L 0E7
Monday: 10:30 - 18:00
Tuesday: 10:30 - 18:00
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 10:30 - 18:00
Friday: 10:30 - 18:00
Saturday: 10:30 - 14:00
Sunday: -